Winning the War on Procrastination
Learn the tools you need to break through the barriers created by procrastination and build the success and freedom you've always wanted.
Course welcome - Part 1
Course welcome - Part 2
Course - Agenda
Understanding Procrastination
Why Procrastinate
What are your dreams?
Dream without limitations
What are your BIG dreams?
How are you spending your time now?
Example of how I spent my time
Motivation versus Discipline
Just Start introduction
Just Start, even when you don't feel like it
"Just Start, and you will be fine"
Create your Just Start list
Create your Just Start list
The 5 Second Rule
Now versus Most introduction
What do I want NOW versus What do I want MOST?
NOW versus MOST application
Discipline - Building Habits
Habit Pairing exercise
Start, Stop, Continue list
Cascading your life goals
Record your life goals
Move your goals forward every day
Just one thing
How to measure your performance
5 Minute Meeting step-by-step process